ANTIOCH MANUSCRIPTS NEW TESTAMENT   Final part of two THE - TopicsExpress


ANTIOCH MANUSCRIPTS NEW TESTAMENT   Final part of two THE LIGHT WILL SHINE By Mike Aguilar [email protected] All scripture is from the KJB unless otherwise specified    The confession by the penitents to the priest was instituted and in this manner the priest served as a spy. If anyone confessed that they had read, or they owned a bible, or if they knew of any one who had taken part in any of these sinful and heretical activities, they were turned over to the authorities. They would be killed and their property confiscated, it was in this manner that the Roman Catholic Church became so rich. In 1215 at the Forth Council of Lateran, it was decreed that all Catholics must confess to a priest at least once a year. From the fall of the Byzantine Empire to around 1630 the Roman Catholic Church had their Inquisitions against the Christians. Million of people were killed or tortured by the RCC. Many people managed to run into the mountains, even to the Italian Alps, to caves, or anywhere they could to protect their precious keepings-- the Bible (copies of the Apostles) and their own life’s. Two large groups of people, who resisted the power of Roman Catholics, were the Albigensian and the Waldenses. The Albigensian were completely destroyed by Roman Catholics, including the copies of the scriptures from Antioch, (copies of the Apostolic MSS. The Waldenses managed to survive and they still exist to this day in Spain and Italy. The translators of the future used the Waldenses Latin bibles for clarifications. The Waldenses, all they had to do was to reject the Bible (Antiochian) and they would be safe. But, No -- they kept their bibles and ran. The Waldenses Latin bible is not the same as the Roman Catholic Latin Bible. John Huss dared to translate the Roman Catholic Latin Vulgate into English in 1415 and paid with his life. He was caught and burned at the stake! The end of several other translators was the same. Just for having the bible in your hands was enough for a one-way ticket to the stake or torture.   In 1516, a Dutchman by the name of Desiderus Erasmus from Rotterdam Holland, who was very knowledgeable in the Hebrew and Greek languages, decided under penalty of death to gather all the Antioch ms that he could find. He literally went through hell to find all of the Hebrew and Antiochian (Byzantium) manuscripts. His sole purpose was to bring that bible back from the ashes and preserve it in the original languages, not Latin. In some places of his writings, he could not find the lost pieces and he had to rely on the Old Latin Vulgate to fill in the gaps. But, only, if they did not conflict with doctrine. Or he used the PESHITTA or the Waldenses Bibles. Which were copied directly from the originals in past centuries. He kept running from country to country and hiding while he was doing his research and translations. His bible became known as the Erasmus Bible. Finally, in 1525 a Roman Catholic by the name of Tyndale translated the Old and the New Testament into English from Erasmus’ Hebrew and Greek works. He was caught by the Roman Catholic Church, he strangled and burned.   In 1550 Robert Estienne (Stephens) He was a former Catholic but converted to Evangelism. As I mentioned above, Erasmus made many mistakes in his grammar but not in Doctrine. Let us not forget that he was constantly running for his life, hiding in dark corners in the processes he made those mistakes. Stephens, knowing the Greek language, saw the mistakes and corrected them. Let me be very explicate and clear, he corrected grammar only and left DOCTRINE intact. This Bible is what we have in the English known as `King James`.   As you can perceive, through out the centuries Christians and their Holy book have been persecuted at times almost to the point of extermination. Such were the conditions that so many people died and were tortured under the Roman Catholic yoke. Other bibles that were translated from the Byzantine into English were the Geneva Bible of 1560, and the Bishops Bible of 1568. For over 1,900 years the word of God has been tested and has survived. The Geneva Bible was the one that the Pilgrims brought to this country on the Mayflower in 1620. If you will recall, the Pilgrims came here for freedom of religion!   The devil has done everything at his disposal to destroy the Word of God and has lost every single time. Now, with the Muslim up-swing and the ACLU, the devil is trying again. I am certain that in the end the Word of the Lord will prevail and survive even if we don’t. Even in China, thousands of bibles have been destroyed and people are in jail. Us, Christian’s are being persecuted once again!   Here comes King James of England, around 1600 A.D. There were a few church men who complained to the King that a new bible in English was needed because the ones in existence were very confusing and were of very poor quality and the Roman Catholic Latin Vulgate was a disaster . (are they talking about the year 2011?) They suggested to the King that if they could find copies of the Hebrew and Greek languages and if they had his permission, could they have someone translate them into English. The King jumped with joy. He gave his consent and instructed the men to find the most knowledgeable men throughout the British Empire, who were knowledgeable in the ancient biblical languages and history. King James never had anything to do with the Translations, he only gave his consent. By this time the Roman Catholic Church in England separated itself from Rome. The separated church is now known as the Church of England. For this reason the clergy in England did not have any fear of the wrath of the RCC asked King James for permission to work on the Bible.   These church men found 57 such men, but three of them died before the job was completed. Fifty-four bore the main task. I will not list the entire qualifications of all 54, but I will mention just a few to give you an idea of who they were. I must --- stress that all 54 of them were equally qualified. I would like to urge you to read their qualifications, you will be impressed.   QUALIFICATIONS OF TRANSLATORS Dr. Lancelot Andrews was director of the group which translated from Genesis to 2 Kings. He was conversant in fifteen languages having learned most of the modern languages of Europe at Cambridge University. He prepared his manual for private devotions in Greek and studied in that language. Dr. William Bedwell worked also in Dr. Andrews group. He was reputed as an eminent Oriental scholar. His fame for Aramaic learning was so great that scholars sought him out for assistance. He had published an edition of Johns Gospel in Arabic with a Latin version. He spent years compiling an Arabic lexicon in three volumes. He began a Persian dictionary. Dr. Miles Smith read and studied some 300 of the Greek and Latin fathers and made notes on them all. He was well acquainted with the Rabbinical comments in the Hebrew language. He was so expert in the Chaldee, Syriac and Arabic languages that they were almost as familiar as his native tongue. He knew Hebrew well. Sir Henry Savile was in the group which translated the Gospels, Acts and Revelation. Very early in life he was famous for his Greek and mathematical learning and tutored Queen Elizabeth in these subjects. He translated the histories of Tacitus the Latin historian. He published other learned works in English and Latin. He was the first to edit the complete work of Chrysostom, the most famous of Greek fathers, which consisted of eight immense volumes. He was considered one of the most profound and exact critical scholars of his day. John Bois was a child prodigy. By the time he was five years old he had read the Bible - IN HEBREW. By age six he wrote Hebrew legibly. He soon distinguished himself by his great skill in Greek, writing letters in that language to his masters and senior fellows at his college. It was common for him to study from 4 am to 8 pm in the University library without intermission. He was one of the twelve translators who were sent, two from each company, to make the final revision of the KJV which took them nine months. He certainly understood the Hebrew and Greek. He was so familiar with the Greek Testament that he could, at any time, turn to any word that it contained.   They used Erasmus’ writings and any other material that they could find, such as the Peshitta, which was the very first translation from the Original Greek to a foreign language, Syrian. By original Greek, I mean the real and actual writings of the Apostles. They also used the Old Latin Vulgate, don’t confuse it with the Roman Catholic Latin Vulgate, they are entirely different from each other. However, all of these men rejected the Alexandrian line of manuscripts. They could not have used the Sinaiticus because it had not been found yet, until 1844. Due to their unquestionable knowledge in many biblical languages, as well as history, they knew that those Alexandrian manuscripts were corrupted.   These 54 men were divided into six groups. The six groups were directed to meet at Cambridge, Westminster and Oxford Universities in London. It took them seven years to complete the job, from 1604 to 1611. Each group scrutinized each other’s work. When they had finished, two men from each of the six groups were selected to review the final product and make corrections as necessary. Take note: each translation was subjected to scrutiny 14 times. Here are some of the rules that they made up and were followed: Rule 8 required every man in every group to translate each book by himself. Then all the men in the group met together to confer and agree for their parts what shall stand. For example, in a group of seven men, each man had to translate each portion and then they compared each others translation. Each portion would have been gone over Seven times. Rule 9 stated: As any one company has dispatched any one book in this manner they shall sent it to the rest to be considered of seriously and judiciously, for His Majesty is very careful in this point.   So after seven men had translated and compared translations, they sent their translations to each of the other five groups who then went over it again. Then they had a joint meeting of two men from each of the six companies. Rule 10 stated that if any group having reviewed another groups translation had a doubt or difference of opinion there was to be a general meeting which had to result in all agreeing. Rule 11 specified that if there was any obscurity, they were to send the disputed part to other learned men outside their groups for their judgment.   When they were completely finished, they did not come out with a King James Bible. What they had was just plain “Holy Bible”. The King James title was added later.   I believe that it is very sad, that thousands of people died to keep and preserve the Word of God intact and without blemish and now it looks like a horror story ! And still today, hundreds of people are being killed and tortured for having the Bible. And we drag the Word of God into the mud with all these perversions . And producing bibles that are not Godly inspired. I have actually seen many people urinate on many Bibles or flash them down the toilet page by page! And these were American service men!   I wonder which Bible Jesus would pick to quote from? Which bible would He say, “Yes, this is my Word”. Ask yourself, which one would He pick? If perchance He were standing right in front of you and He were to ask you, “Why are you reading and studying books that I never authorized or inspired?” What would you say?   In conclusion, if there are any mistakes or corruptions in the KJV, they would be in the misspelled words or grammar, not outright perversions of DOCTRINE.   Today, Jan 14, 2010, in the Foxnews website, stated that a piece of pottery from Israel was found. It is 3,000 years old and 1,000 years older than the Dead Sea Scrolls. Its from the time of David. The pottery reads as follows: 1 you shall not do [it], but worship the [Lord]. 2 Judge the sla[ve] and the wid[ow] / Judge the orph[an] 3 [and] the stranger. [Pl]ead for the infant / plead for the po[or and] 4 the widow. Rehabilitate [the poor] at the hands of the king. 5 Protect the po[or and] the slave / [supp]ort the stranger.   From the chart that I gave you previously, you will see that King James Bible comes directly from the Apostles. I believe that the King James Bible is the closest book that we have to the original writings of the apostles and to the Word of God.   May the Holy Spirit open your eyes and understanding and guide you to the truth of His Word.  s
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 14:29:58 +0000

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